Private cellular networks

Private cellular networks with small cells

This latest release is a market position paper for private cellular networks. Its aim is to:

  • introduce SCF’s position on the role of small cells in the context of private networks,
  • outline market drivers, use cases and recommendations for LTE-based private networks
  • to look at the inevitable evolution of cellular communications to 5G and what that will mean for future private networks.

The document builds on earlier work on in-building coverage, shared spectrum small cell architectures, private network deployment case studies and Plugfest activities SCF has conducted over a number of years.

Our deployment examples demonstrate how small cells and private networks have a natural synergy. LTE-based solutions have already been commercially deployed in a wide-range of settings – from retail and tourism to industrial warehousing and ports, educational campuses, and transportation and logistics.

This paper addresses the following for these two audiences:

  1. help enterprise, industry and government understand the potential benefits of private networks to support their digital connectivity needs
  2. help private network service providers (including MNOs, neutral hosts, system integrators) better understand the benefits which are most valued by the different types of customer

Private cellular networks with small cells

Keyur Brambhatt of Extenet Systems and SCF Work Item lead, provides an overview of SCF’s new Release on private cellular networks.

Specifically this Release looks at what private cellular networks are, why they are important and how they can be enabled. In particular, it looks at different approaches, types of deployment (actual and potential), spectrum availability (and how spectrum is used), and standards

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Release document